Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election day - November 8, 2016

I find it ironic that I was married exactly thirty six years ago today, and just a few days before that Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States. I recall how happy my father was on that day as he was a dyed-in-the-wool conservative.

I was twenty four years old at the time and it was the first election I voted in and I too voted for Reagan. It was a memorable day in that I was certain at the time that we had elected the right candidate for president and history bore that out.

I have voted republican in every presidential election since then and will do so today. But if my side wins this time, my elation will surely be tempered with a great deal of uncertainty of the consequence of my victory for our great nation.

As I suspect it is with many of my opponents, I am voting less for my candidate but more against the candidate from the other party. I simply don't want to see a crook as our president. Anyone that thinks Hillary Clinton hasn't clawed her way to the top by skirting the law and living in the gutter of politics is kidding themselves. Trump may be a womanizer and an opportunist, but at least he hasn't sold his sole to special interests to get elected.

All the special interests that Hillary sold influence to in order to get elected will come knocking at the door of the White House the day after she gets elected. Anyone that thinks the wheeling and dealing will stop after the election is over is just kidding themselves. This country is on the verge of more corruption at the highest levels than our republic has ever experienced and the consequences could be dire.

Look at the speeches from last night. I saw President Obama say that Trump calls immigrants rapists. No he doesn't, he claimed that some Mexican citizens that came into our country illegally were rapists. They are not immigrants and his claim is factual. Hillary said in a speech last night that we must choose love over hate. So who does Trump hate? No one I would submit. Trump could better make the same claim against Hillary, who surely does have contempt for most of Trump supporters, who she called deplorable and beyond redemption. This is the definition of gutter politics, throwing out lies simply to get elected. Don't we deserve better?

I could go on, but the truth of the matter is that at least with Trump you know what you are getting. He doesn't need Hollywood celebrities to gin up interest in him at rallies because he doesn't have any issues to run on. He doesn't have to sneak around using personal computers for his emails to hide his corrupt deals from the public. He didn't marry someone who cheated on him over and over and stay married simply for political reasons. He didn't accept money from foreign governments that treat women like cattle and then turn around and claim to champion the rights of women. He didn't peddle influence to the bankers on Wall Street and tell them he has one policy in private and a other for the public. He didn't get nominated by his party simply because it was his turn to be president. He didn't run his campaign from the gutter while claiming to be "going high because they went low."

Donald Trump is not a perfect person so if he wins tonight I realize that we will have a flawed president. I will not feel the same elation that I felt thirty six years ago when Reagan won office. However,  I will be relieved that the american people are smart enough to see Hillary's deception, dishonesty and ruthlessness for what it is.

So, get out and vote, and in the words of Ted Cruz, vote your conscience!

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