Sunday, October 8, 2017

The OJ Simpson / Donald Trump Connection

I liken the trial of OJ Simpson and his acquittal to the phenomenon of the Donald Trump presidency.

Upon the findings of the jury in the OJ Simpson trial that OJ was innocent of brutally murdering his ex wife and a friend of hers, scores of minorities were seen literally dancing in the streets, ecstatic that a person of color had beat the system. They cared not that he was guilty, but rather focused their attention on the larger issue of how his acquittal in a bazaar way lessened the oppression they felt from institutionalized prejudice against minorities in America.

In a similar manner, Trump supporters care not that Donald Trump may be unqualified for the presidency, but rather focus their attention on setting even the score with the oppression they feel from the left wing media, the Hollywood elite and the progressives who run our institutions of higher learning.

Donald Trump is like a pebble in the shoe of those on the left. He has an uncanny ability to get under their skin. They can't understand  how anyone can support anything that he does or stands for. It is personal to them, and that is exactly why he garnishes so much support from his followers.

Trump supporters and just regular working folks in general are tired of being lectured to by the elite members of the Hollywood establishment, liberal politicians and those in academia. They are tired of hearing how affordable health care means that the poor and elderly will die. They are tired of hearing that we need to welcome people who come here illegally even though they are law breakers. They are tired of being told that they are not capable of managing their own affairs, that a benevolent government is necessary to save them from themselves.

Barack Obama and his predecessors were polished individuals who knew how to look presidential. It mattered less to most of us what they stood for than the way in which they went about conducting their affairs. Trump is like a bull in a china shop, stepping all over everything and creating a perpetual mess, forcing his supporters to have to spend much of their time cleaning up after him.

Trump ran his campaign on a promise to his supporters that he would deliver on his pledge to reform healthcare, lower taxes, get tough on North Korea and put America first. If he can manage to deliver on these key issues then his lack of politically correct presidential comportment will in the end be of little concern. If he fails, his detractors will claim that his populist movement was little more than a bad political joke.

We live in interesting times. Will the momentum of the progressive movement that has already engulfed the European continent also engulf America and destroy the plans our forefathers laid out for a society free from government tyranny?

Will the inevitable war between good and evil, as exemplified by rogue regimes in Korea and Iran, erupt during our lifetime? Perhaps it is closer on the horizon than most of us imagine. And will the forces of good emerge or will the world be cast back to the darker ages of our past when might triumphed over reason.  

Will the unsustainable government debt crisis in America lead to a collapse of the world economy? Surely the path we are on would indicate a day of reckoning on the near horizon.

Throw into this recipe a dynamic catalyst named Donald Trump and you have a combustive reaction just waiting to happen. It is Ironic that just the other day President Trump made reference to a "calm before the storm."

1 comment:

Yomama67 said...

Honestly I just Want America Better So We Give BO 8 yrs Bush 8 yrs Clinton 8 yrs Why NOT give Trump his 8 too? Why they making Such a fuss over a Good guy Trying to Undo A lot of strangling regulations on business owners. That & helping the middle classes Taxes Come down; They've increased x 3 under BO; That's true; facts & 30 yrs At companies & companies Left After Clinton's; Families had to Sacrifice All those years of work finding something else. Clintons Were Terrible for Americans.