Thursday, September 20, 2018

Could the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation circus get any more ridiculous?

The confirmation proceedings for supreme court nominee Bret Kavanaugh have gone from bizarre to  downright ridiculous. The last-minute ploy by the Democratic Party to drag out a mystery woman and champion her claim that Judge Kavanaugh assaulted her when he was seventeen years old is clearly just a desperate attempt to block his nomination to the United States Supreme Court.

One need not even delve into the merit of the claim to come to a logical conclusion that it should bear no relevance to the confirmation proceedings. If we desire to staff our government offices with talented and qualified individuals, then it is clearly not advisable to hold them accountable for things they may have done when they were children.

Furthermore, there is clearly no way to prove that the conduct ascribed to Judge Kavanaugh ever took place. We have a statute of limitations on alleged criminal conduct in our county for the simple reason that it is normally not possible to verify the legitimacy of claims that are decades old.

Judge Kavanaugh has by all accounts lived an exemplary life, once that is void of even the hint of any sexual impropriety toward his professional associates or anyone else. It is not only fair but necessary to judge political appointees on their conduct while an adult, as this is the only logical predictor of their future behavior. It is not fair or proper that an individual should have his professional career affected by an allegation of something he may have done as a child. It bears no relevance to his qualifications for an appointment as a civil servant.

The hypocrisy on the left is rich in this matter. Bill Clinton is the poster child for sexual improprieties that occurred not only before his presidency, but during his presidency. No one on the left called for his resignation when he was caught red-handed performing sex acts on an intern in the White House. The president of the United States is the most powerful man in the world, yet the Democratic Party had no qualms about him retaining his position even though he was at best irresponsible, and at worst a sexual predator.

The left would have us believe that Judge Kavanaugh is not fit for a seat on the Supreme Court based on an allegation of an event involving sexual impropriety on his part during his youth, whose validity is impossible to verify. If the accuser wanted her day in court, she should have voiced her concerns before the confirmation process began so as too allow ample time for her concerns to be considered.  She arrived late to the party, she and her supporters have no grounds to demand that the party start over just to accommodate her. Clearly what is on display here is dirty politics at their worst being perpetrated by the Democratic Party.

I submit to you that the Democratic Party cares very little about the woman who may have been assaulted here. As with the illegal immigration debate, they pretend to champion the rights of victims, when what they really want is votes.

If they can swing voter sentiment against Republicans by portraying them as sexist and elite, then  that will garnish them more votes during elections. If they can finagle a way to grant citizenship to millions of illegals, then that will garnish them more votes during elections. And they will seemingly stop at nothing to further that agenda, even at the expense of ruining the reputation and lives of anyone who gets in their way. It is all politics, and nothing more.

The conservative voters expressed their desires at the ballot box during the last presidential election and won. The left clearly has no respect for the results of the election and will stop at nothing to further their agenda, in spite of the will of the electorate. If they cannot achieve their goals by taking the high road, then they will take the low road.

I hope the electorate is wise enough to see that it is simply politics that is driving this debate. I hope that when we go to the voting booth in November we will vote for those who champion the voices of reason.

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