Countdown to election day - 2020
It seems another US federal election is now upon us. Even though many of us have already voted, or made up our minds, I think it might be beneficial to throw my two cents worth in on who I think will make a better president, Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
I'll start with some negatives on Joe Biden. As the recent debate demonstrated, he struggles with the truth. He stated unequivocally that he never said he would ban fracking, even though he is on tape several times saying he would do just that.
Furthermore, he said he did not benefit from dealings with foreign governments. No one disputes that his son accompanied him on a trip to China from which Hunter Biden returned with a lucrative deal from a Chinese bank. Furthermore, Joe nor Hunter Biden have disputed receiving millions of dollars from the wife of a politician in Moscow. Even if Joe did not benefit personally from these dealings, his immediate family certainly did, so his assertion that the Hunter scandal is simply Russian propaganda is untruthful.
If you do some research, you will find that Joe Biden has been embroiled in plagiarism scandals in the past. Furthermore, he has admitted to this, so it cannot be dismissed as fake news. He was also caught claiming he graduated near the top of his class in law school, when in fact he was near the bottom.
Biden's own vice presidential candidate accused him of racism as it applied to school busing early in his career, and he has recently stated that if you don't vote for him, you are not black. In spite of this, he claims Donald Trump is the racist, not him. He also referred to Trump supporters as "not very good people" and "Chumps", while at the same time claiming he cared about all Americans.
The reason I point all of this out is to make the point that you cannot trust that Joe Biden will do what he says he will do once in office. Also, one of Biden's best arguments for voting for him is his character and decency, which is clearly in doubt based on the forgoing.
You might argue that President Trump has issues with the truth as well. However, you cannot dispute that he did what he said he would do once elected. He said he would be good for the economy, he would deter illegal immigration and would be effective with regards to foreign affairs. He has high marks in all of these areas.
I am afraid with Joe Biden you don't know what you are going to get once he is in office. Will he govern as a moderate as he claims, or will he pivot to the far left and advance the agenda of socialists like Bernie Sanders?
President Trump champions conservative causes such as limited government, low taxes, strong defense and law and order. Joe Biden is for liberal causes such as big government, climate change initiatives and higher taxes that are necessary to support that agenda.
I have been around long enough to have lived under democratic and republican administrations and always took solace in the understanding that if my candidate didn't win, I could wait four years and then have another opportunity to elect the candidate that I wanted. I don't feel that way anymore, however.
The truth of the matter is, the mainstream media, Accademia, and "Big Tech" have formed an alliance with the democratic party to silence free speech in order to advance their liberal agenda. What this has led to is a situation where conservative opinions are not widely broadcast or published and in its place is liberal propaganda.
Case in point is the Hunter Biden e-mail scandal. How can anyone come to an informed decision about it if it is not even mentioned in the mainstream media? Everyone knows if it was Trump's son that was involved in such a scandal, it would be front page news everywhere, but because it involves a Biden, the whole story is ignored by the mainstream media. That is censorship, plain and simple.
Just about every story in the mainstream media for the last four years has been spun in a negative way to reflect poorly on Trump's presidency. That is propaganda, plain and simple.
If Biden wins the presidency, there is talk of stacking the supreme court in order to lean it more to the left. There is talk of granting statehood to the district of Columbia and Puerto Rico in order to enhance democratic representation in Congress. There is talk of abolishing the electoral college in order to deny representation from most of the states in our union. There is talk of granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens to stock voters roles for democrats.
If these things were to come about, it is entirely possible that we could end up with one-party rule and that could end conservatism as we know it. And if that happens, we will all become a slave to our government, and will have lost our freedom.
Like him or not, Donald Trump may be the only chance we have of maintaining a free and democratic America. With Trump you know what you are going to get, a strong economy, a strong America, and a free America.
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