Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 Trump supporters refuse to accept results of 2020 presidential election

I saw a reporter on CNN state that most Donald Trump supporters do not accept the recent election results, believing instead that Joe Biden's narrow victory in the presidential election was the result of fraud and irregularities in the election count and process.

The surprising thing about this is that the reporter seemed genuinely dismayed at this revelation, as did her colleagues at the network that claims to be "The most trusted name in news."  Surely, they assume they represent mainstream America, so the thought that as much as half of us think differently from the way they do is hard for them to comprehend. So, I will attempt to enlighten them and their sympathizers as to why this would be so.

I'm from the south, and there is a saying in NASCAR that "if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying." In other words, you expect some cheating in NASCAR, it is just the way things are done. And so it is with the Democratic Party.

For the last four years, the Democratic Party and their sympathizers in the media and "Big Tech" have  dished out one phony political trick after another in an attempt to remove President Trump from office. There was non-stop propaganda in the media that portrayed President Trump as a bigoted and racist leader who was little better than Adolph Hitler. Big Tech and Academia censored conservative voices by hiding social media posts from conservatives and refusing to allow them to speak on college campuses.

A bogus investigation was conducted as a result of a partisan dossier created by the Clinton campaign that was the precursor to a totally partisan impeachment of President Trump.

Militant radical groups like Antifa rioted in our streets with little condemnation from the Democratic Party. Left-leaning leaders like New York governor Andrew Cuomo shut down businesses and schools despite the harm it inflicted on small businesses and our economy. Much of this had political overtones. 

Most Trump supporters aren't surprised by all of this, because it has been going on for a very long time. The mainstream press has leaned left going all the way back to the Vietnam war. Until recently, they at least made an attempt to appear to be fair and unbiased, but something about Trump pushed them over the edge. Any claim by them to be fair and unbiased is an insult to our intelligence.

Big Tech and Academia have been relentless lately in their quest to silence conservative voices. They deem conservatives and Trump supporters as racist deplorables who are so evil that their opinions should not even be allowed to be heard. Joe Biden himself referred to Trump supporters as "very bad people."

If your political opposition paints you as evil and engages in every questionable practice imaginable to silence your opinion, then attempts to remove your duly elected officials from office, and then spreads vicious lies about you on a daily basis, why would one not suspect that they would rig an election?

The election medaling actually started four years ago when Trump was elected. Since then we have seen nothing but non-stop propaganda, censorship and dirty politics from the Democratic Party and their sympathizers.

This culminated with the mass mailing of voting ballots accompanied by loose regulations regarding the validation of those ballots when they were returned. Also, in key voting districts conservative election watchers were prevented from watching the counting of ballots. Election machines were adjusted to allow for loose validation of signatures on ballots. The Covid pandemic was used at times as an excuse to justify these questionable practices, but it doesn't take much imagination to realize that politics were at the core of it.  

The Left has a major credibility problem when it comes to truth and fairness. Joe Biden was hidden away from us during the campaign, rarely giving press conferences that were simply infomercials with scripted questions and rehearsed answers. We can only imagine where he actually stands on key issues. 

Joe Biden claims he wants to unite America, but until the mainstream press, Big Tech and Academia own up to what they have been up to and make amends, there is little to talk about in my opinion.  

I'm from the south, as I stated earlier. Ask any FSU football fan which coach won the most games in college football history, and they will tell you Bobby Bowden did, even though the official record belongs to Joe Paterno. Ask Bobby who holds the record, and he'll tell you he knows how many games he won.

Ask a Trump supported who won the 2020 presidential election, and they'll tell you Donald Trump did. It doesn't matter what the official count is, if Joe Biden got more votes it is just the result of dirty tricks and dirty politics perpetrated by the Democratic Party, the Mainstream Media and Big Tech.


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