Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 Trump supporters refuse to accept results of 2020 presidential election

I saw a reporter on CNN state that most Donald Trump supporters do not accept the recent election results, believing instead that Joe Biden's narrow victory in the presidential election was the result of fraud and irregularities in the election count and process.

The surprising thing about this is that the reporter seemed genuinely dismayed at this revelation, as did her colleagues at the network that claims to be "The most trusted name in news."  Surely, they assume they represent mainstream America, so the thought that as much as half of us think differently from the way they do is hard for them to comprehend. So, I will attempt to enlighten them and their sympathizers as to why this would be so.

I'm from the south, and there is a saying in NASCAR that "if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying." In other words, you expect some cheating in NASCAR, it is just the way things are done. And so it is with the Democratic Party.

For the last four years, the Democratic Party and their sympathizers in the media and "Big Tech" have  dished out one phony political trick after another in an attempt to remove President Trump from office. There was non-stop propaganda in the media that portrayed President Trump as a bigoted and racist leader who was little better than Adolph Hitler. Big Tech and Academia censored conservative voices by hiding social media posts from conservatives and refusing to allow them to speak on college campuses.

A bogus investigation was conducted as a result of a partisan dossier created by the Clinton campaign that was the precursor to a totally partisan impeachment of President Trump.

Militant radical groups like Antifa rioted in our streets with little condemnation from the Democratic Party. Left-leaning leaders like New York governor Andrew Cuomo shut down businesses and schools despite the harm it inflicted on small businesses and our economy. Much of this had political overtones. 

Most Trump supporters aren't surprised by all of this, because it has been going on for a very long time. The mainstream press has leaned left going all the way back to the Vietnam war. Until recently, they at least made an attempt to appear to be fair and unbiased, but something about Trump pushed them over the edge. Any claim by them to be fair and unbiased is an insult to our intelligence.

Big Tech and Academia have been relentless lately in their quest to silence conservative voices. They deem conservatives and Trump supporters as racist deplorables who are so evil that their opinions should not even be allowed to be heard. Joe Biden himself referred to Trump supporters as "very bad people."

If your political opposition paints you as evil and engages in every questionable practice imaginable to silence your opinion, then attempts to remove your duly elected officials from office, and then spreads vicious lies about you on a daily basis, why would one not suspect that they would rig an election?

The election medaling actually started four years ago when Trump was elected. Since then we have seen nothing but non-stop propaganda, censorship and dirty politics from the Democratic Party and their sympathizers.

This culminated with the mass mailing of voting ballots accompanied by loose regulations regarding the validation of those ballots when they were returned. Also, in key voting districts conservative election watchers were prevented from watching the counting of ballots. Election machines were adjusted to allow for loose validation of signatures on ballots. The Covid pandemic was used at times as an excuse to justify these questionable practices, but it doesn't take much imagination to realize that politics were at the core of it.  

The Left has a major credibility problem when it comes to truth and fairness. Joe Biden was hidden away from us during the campaign, rarely giving press conferences that were simply infomercials with scripted questions and rehearsed answers. We can only imagine where he actually stands on key issues. 

Joe Biden claims he wants to unite America, but until the mainstream press, Big Tech and Academia own up to what they have been up to and make amends, there is little to talk about in my opinion.  

I'm from the south, as I stated earlier. Ask any FSU football fan which coach won the most games in college football history, and they will tell you Bobby Bowden did, even though the official record belongs to Joe Paterno. Ask Bobby who holds the record, and he'll tell you he knows how many games he won.

Ask a Trump supported who won the 2020 presidential election, and they'll tell you Donald Trump did. It doesn't matter what the official count is, if Joe Biden got more votes it is just the result of dirty tricks and dirty politics perpetrated by the Democratic Party, the Mainstream Media and Big Tech.


Sunday, October 25, 2020

 Countdown to election day - 2020

It seems another US federal election is now upon us. Even though many of us have already voted, or made up our minds, I think it might be beneficial to throw my two cents worth in on who I think will make a better president, Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

I'll start with some negatives on Joe Biden. As the recent debate demonstrated, he struggles with the truth. He stated unequivocally that he never said he would ban fracking, even though he is on tape several times saying he would do just that.

Furthermore, he said he did not benefit from dealings with foreign governments. No one disputes that his son accompanied him on a trip to China from which Hunter Biden returned with a lucrative deal from a Chinese bank. Furthermore, Joe nor Hunter Biden have disputed receiving millions of dollars from the wife of a politician in Moscow. Even if Joe did not benefit personally from these dealings, his immediate family certainly did, so his assertion that the Hunter scandal is simply Russian propaganda is untruthful.

If you do some research, you will find that Joe Biden has been embroiled in plagiarism scandals in the past. Furthermore, he has admitted to this, so it cannot be dismissed as fake news. He was also caught claiming he graduated near the top of his class in law school, when in fact he was near the bottom. 

Biden's own vice presidential candidate accused him of racism as it applied to school busing early in his career, and he has recently stated that if you don't vote for him, you are not black. In spite of this, he claims Donald Trump is the racist, not him. He also referred to Trump supporters as "not very good people" and "Chumps", while at the same time claiming he cared about all Americans.

The reason I point all of this out is to make the point that you cannot trust that Joe Biden will do what he says he will do once in office. Also, one of Biden's best arguments for voting for him is his character and decency, which is clearly in doubt based on the forgoing.

You might argue that President Trump has issues with the truth as well. However, you cannot dispute that he did what he said he would do once elected. He said he would be good for the economy, he would deter illegal immigration and would be effective with regards to foreign affairs. He has high marks in all of these areas.

I am afraid with Joe Biden you don't know what you are going to get once he is in office. Will he govern as a moderate as he claims, or will he pivot to the far left and advance the agenda of socialists like Bernie Sanders? 

President Trump champions conservative causes such as limited government, low taxes, strong defense and law and order. Joe Biden is for liberal causes such as big government, climate change initiatives and higher taxes that are necessary to support that agenda.

I have been around long enough to have lived under democratic and republican administrations and always took solace in the understanding that if my candidate didn't win, I could wait four years and then have another opportunity to elect the candidate that I wanted. I don't feel that way anymore, however.

The truth of the matter is, the mainstream media, Accademia, and "Big Tech" have formed an alliance with the democratic party to silence free speech in order to advance their liberal agenda. What this has led to is a situation where conservative opinions are not widely broadcast or published and in its place is liberal propaganda.

Case in point is the Hunter Biden e-mail scandal. How can anyone come to an informed decision about it if it is not even mentioned in the mainstream media? Everyone knows if it was Trump's son that was involved in such a scandal, it would be front page news everywhere, but because it involves a Biden, the whole story is ignored by the mainstream media. That is censorship, plain and simple.

Just about every story in the mainstream media for the last four years has been spun in a negative way to reflect poorly on Trump's presidency. That is propaganda, plain and simple.

If Biden wins the presidency, there is talk of stacking the supreme court in order to lean it more to the left. There is talk of granting statehood to the district of Columbia and Puerto Rico in order to enhance democratic representation in Congress. There is talk of abolishing the electoral college in order to deny representation from most of the states in our union. There is talk of granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens to stock voters roles for democrats. 

If these things were to come about, it is entirely possible that we could end up with one-party rule and that could end conservatism as we know it. And if that happens, we will all become a slave to our government, and will have lost our freedom.

Like him or not, Donald Trump may be the only chance we have of maintaining a free and democratic America. With Trump you know what you are going to get, a strong economy, a strong America, and a free America. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Run-up to the presidential election - 2020

I heard the assumed Democratic Party candidate for president of the United States, Joe Biden, mention that ten to fifteen percent of American citizens are "bad people". That attitude on the part of the Democratic party leader and the Left in general explains a lot of what I have observed since President Trump has been in office.

First, the Democrats tried to remove Trump from office by concocting a story about how he had elicited help from the Russians to win office. A thorough investigation by a partisan Democratic leaning commission failed to uncover any merit to the claims. Furthermore, it has been revealed in recent senate testimony that the individuals on the Left that initiated the investigation knew all along that there was no collusion. The whole thing was simply a misguided attempt to remove Trump from office

Next, the Democrats tried to remove Trump by claiming he demanded an investigation into alleged wrongdoings by Joe Biden and his son from Ukrainian officials. Again, congressional hearings found there was little merit to the alleged wrongdoing by Trump, as evidenced by his acquittal in his impeachment trial.

Recently, is has become more than evident that Democratic governors and Democratic city mayors have delayed the opening of businesses shut down by the recent Covid-19 pandemic for political reasons. How else can you explain their demand that businesses stay shuttered, while at the same time they facilitate mass protests that bring hundreds of thousands of people in close proximity to one another? Are we to believe that protests are more important than the spread of a world pandemic virus?

It is worth noting that if the recent protests result in a spike in Covid-19 cases, that may result in continuing business shutdowns, which will adversely affect our economy, and with it the reelection hopes of Donald Trump. This is further evidence that the "Blue" state and city business shutdowns are politically motivated.

It is my assertion that Joe Biden meant what he said when he claimed ten to fifteen percent of us are bad people. It is worth noting that Hilary Clinton expressed a similar sentiment when she ran for office, by calling Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables."

It seems that those on the Left are rather intolerant when it comes to people that do not agree with them. They view conservatives as bad people. That might explain why they resort to ruthless and unethical practices like the shenanigans I just mentioned to further their political ambitions. After all, if their opponents are bad people, that might explain why their "ends justify the means" policies seem OK to them.

Those on the Left know they can't win by playing fair. If it comes down to a debate over policy, individual freedom and limited government will win over voters every time. In order to win, the Democratic party has to resort to a myriad of tricks such as non-stop propaganda by mainstream media, a push towards things such as mail in voting, abolishing the electoral college, citizenship for likely democratic voting illegals, as well as vicious personal attacks against Republican supreme court nominees, and hypocrisy on a level seldom seen.

When Joe Biden was accused of sexual misconduct with an intern, he was quick to point out that she should be heard, but not necessarily believed. This is in stark contrast to what he said about Justice Kavanaugh, who was presumed guilty by the Left before he even had his day of testimony.  This type of hypocrisy is rich in the Democratic party.

When Joe Biden first addressed the sexual harassment allegations, there was simply a brief mention of it on CNN news. They simply mentioned that he denied the allegations. At the same time, on Fox News several days were devoted to pointing out the hypocrisy of his denial, in the wake of what transpired during the Kavanaugh hearings.

The story there was how the Left turned a blind eye to the women's "me too" movement when it interfered with their political agenda. CNN ignored the issue almost entirely, and in so doing demonstrated their political bias and willingness to advance a political agenda.

Going up against the Democrats is like battling a dirty fighter. He'll poke you in the eye, hit you below the belt and bite your ear. If they ever get their way and succeed in regaining power, the Democrats will bring change to America for sure. They will run the government like they run their party, using their dirty little bag of tricks to stack the FBI and judicial system with biased officials, use the mainstream media to give them cover while setting up a system through targeted handouts to large groups of voters to insure they never lose power going forward.

What we will be left with is a large, bloated government that will rule with an iron fist. We will be encumbered by government rules and regulations that will make it increasingly difficult for us to pursue happiness. We will become subjects of a vast unresponsive and uncaring government bureaucracy made up of pompous and corrupt individuals like you see in Venezuela.

The Democrats will have created a monster that will turn on all of us. In their zeal to right perceived injustices in the world, we will have lost the one thing that might have allowed us to make the world a better place, our freedom!

Fly above me

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronavirus Government Relief Highlights

1.    Economic impact payments 

     -          $1,200 check to individuals who earn less than $75,000 (single) or $150,000 (married)

     -          Smaller check for many earning more than that

     -          $500 additional check for each dependent child

     -          Need to file a tax return for 2018 or 2019

     -          Money will be deposited in bank account listed on tax return (will get check if no bank account listed)

2.    Employee retention credit

          -     Applies to business shut down by government order or business whose sales have dropped by 50% from 1st qtr 2019 numbers

            -      Credit equal to 50% of wages, up to $10,000 in credit

            -      Applies to wages after March 12, 2020 to January 1, 2021

            -      If business has under 100 employees, applies to all wages worked or not

            -      If business has more then 100 employees, applies only to wages not worked for

            -      Receive credit on quarterly payroll tax return, or by submitting form 7200

3.    Changes to tax due dates and installment arrangements           

-          Due date for all federal income tax returns extended to July 15, 2020

-          Applies to tax filing and tax payments

-          Tax installment obligations are suspended until July 15, 2020

-          Action on tax liens and levies is suspended until July 15, 2020 except for high income TP

4.    Expanded unemployment benefits      

-          Unemployment benefits expanded by 13 weeks

-          An additional $600/week in federal benefits added to state maximum benefits

-          Benefits are extended to self-employed workers and Gig workers

-          Those with a poor work history may qualify for benefits

-          Benefits apply to those laid off temporarily or indefinitely

-          Must apply for unemployment through your state unemployment office              

* No assurance is provided, please consult with your accountant or legal counsel*                                                                                                 


Friday, October 4, 2019

Impeachment Fever

Seems impeachment is the topic of the day in Washington. The Democrats have taken the plunge and gone ahead with their plan that was hatched the day Donald Trump was inaugurated. It's sort of like when you go ahead with a bad idea, even though you know it is bad, because you've obsessed about it for so long you just can't let it go.

Sometimes I think it is just political terrorism on the part of the Left. Their goal is to simply disrupt things in Washington and around the country, pitting one group against another to breed hatred, resentment, suspicion and doubt about the future welfare of our county and the world in which we live. They figure if they create enough mayhem then voters will give in and elect them to power so at least things can calm down and return to normal.

So, lets compare this impeachment procedure to the two previous ones to see if we can establish some precedent for this one so that it can gain some legitimacy. In the case of President Nixon, there was a clear crime committed. The Republican party broke into the Democratic party headquarters at the Watergate Hotel, and President Nixon obstructed justice by trying to cover it up. He broke the law and thus there were grounds for impeachment.

In the case of President Clinton, he lied under oath about having sexual relations with a young intern in the White House. Thus, he was guilty of a crime and an act unbefitting of a President. He broke the law and defamed the White House, so there were grounds for impeachment.

In the case of President Trump, he is accused by the Democrats of extorting Ukrainian officials by threatening to withhold US Aid unless they launch an inquiry into the nefarious dealings of former Vice President Biden and his son with the government of Ukraine and a company the vice president's son worked for in the Ukraine.

This doesn't look good for the Bidens. First of all, Hunter Biden was being paid $50,000 per month for a job he clearly had no experience or training for. The vast majority of people would conclude that this must involve corruption, as there is no other logical explanation that comes to mind. And no other explanation has been offered by Joe Biden or his son to date. All we hear from the mainstream media is that the claims of corruption have no merit. But without an explanation as to why they have no merit, one must conclude that they are wrong.

So, if we draw the inference that there was corruption involved, then there should be no objection to President Trump requesting that Ukrainian officials look into the matter. Furthermore, it would not be objectionable in my mind for him to threaten to withhold AID, since identifying corruption in countries we furnish aid to would seem to be within the purview of our President.

But of course, President Trump asserts that there was no threat to withhold AID, and the transcript of his conversation on the subject supports his assertion. Furthermore, the president of the Ukraine is on the record as stating that there was no threat made.

So, you don't have a crime against President Trump, but you may very well have one against the former vice president. And there is a pattern here.

In the first attempt to gather evidence to impeach Trump, the Democrats asserted that he colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. But when the facts are fully disclosed, it will more likely be shown that the Democrats were actually the ones trying to steal the election by colluding with the Russians to create false evidence that resulted in an investigation by our own FBI against then candidate Trump.

So what we have is the Democrats knee deep in political mud, while at the same time accusing the Trump administration to be ones that are corrupt and unfit for office.

Personally, I think it would be best for the voters to decide which side they choose to support. We are less than two years away from the next presidential election. Why can't both sides simply stop their hostilities against each other, go back to work on the legislation they were elected to work on, and let the American people decide who they want their next president to be?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Could the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation circus get any more ridiculous?

The confirmation proceedings for supreme court nominee Bret Kavanaugh have gone from bizarre to  downright ridiculous. The last-minute ploy by the Democratic Party to drag out a mystery woman and champion her claim that Judge Kavanaugh assaulted her when he was seventeen years old is clearly just a desperate attempt to block his nomination to the United States Supreme Court.

One need not even delve into the merit of the claim to come to a logical conclusion that it should bear no relevance to the confirmation proceedings. If we desire to staff our government offices with talented and qualified individuals, then it is clearly not advisable to hold them accountable for things they may have done when they were children.

Furthermore, there is clearly no way to prove that the conduct ascribed to Judge Kavanaugh ever took place. We have a statute of limitations on alleged criminal conduct in our county for the simple reason that it is normally not possible to verify the legitimacy of claims that are decades old.

Judge Kavanaugh has by all accounts lived an exemplary life, once that is void of even the hint of any sexual impropriety toward his professional associates or anyone else. It is not only fair but necessary to judge political appointees on their conduct while an adult, as this is the only logical predictor of their future behavior. It is not fair or proper that an individual should have his professional career affected by an allegation of something he may have done as a child. It bears no relevance to his qualifications for an appointment as a civil servant.

The hypocrisy on the left is rich in this matter. Bill Clinton is the poster child for sexual improprieties that occurred not only before his presidency, but during his presidency. No one on the left called for his resignation when he was caught red-handed performing sex acts on an intern in the White House. The president of the United States is the most powerful man in the world, yet the Democratic Party had no qualms about him retaining his position even though he was at best irresponsible, and at worst a sexual predator.

The left would have us believe that Judge Kavanaugh is not fit for a seat on the Supreme Court based on an allegation of an event involving sexual impropriety on his part during his youth, whose validity is impossible to verify. If the accuser wanted her day in court, she should have voiced her concerns before the confirmation process began so as too allow ample time for her concerns to be considered.  She arrived late to the party, she and her supporters have no grounds to demand that the party start over just to accommodate her. Clearly what is on display here is dirty politics at their worst being perpetrated by the Democratic Party.

I submit to you that the Democratic Party cares very little about the woman who may have been assaulted here. As with the illegal immigration debate, they pretend to champion the rights of victims, when what they really want is votes.

If they can swing voter sentiment against Republicans by portraying them as sexist and elite, then  that will garnish them more votes during elections. If they can finagle a way to grant citizenship to millions of illegals, then that will garnish them more votes during elections. And they will seemingly stop at nothing to further that agenda, even at the expense of ruining the reputation and lives of anyone who gets in their way. It is all politics, and nothing more.

The conservative voters expressed their desires at the ballot box during the last presidential election and won. The left clearly has no respect for the results of the election and will stop at nothing to further their agenda, in spite of the will of the electorate. If they cannot achieve their goals by taking the high road, then they will take the low road.

I hope the electorate is wise enough to see that it is simply politics that is driving this debate. I hope that when we go to the voting booth in November we will vote for those who champion the voices of reason.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Socialism is on the rise in the Democratic Party

The phenomenon of congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez highlights the movement of the democratic party further to the left than ever before. I liken it to a gambler doubling down on a bad hand of cards. After losing the general election to  Donald Trump, instead of moving back more to the center to accommodate public sentiment, the democratic party has pulled back the curtain to reveal its true identity based on the principles of wealth re-distribution and big government,  i.e. socialism.

The main problem I have with politicians like Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders mirrors the problem I have with the progressive, liberal, socialist movement. It is championed primarily be those who are fond of telling other people how to live their lives, while they themselves are far removed from the lives that most of us live. I cannot relate to Bernie Sanders since he was a career student before he became a career politician. He had little experience with a real job in his life, and the same can be said of Ocasio-Cortez and Barack Obama for that matter.

Politicians like Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders,  and Berack Obama never lived the life that most of us live. They never quit their salary job to forge a career on their own as a small business owner. They never struggled to raise a family solely on their ability to be clever enough to find a way to bring in enough money to pay the mortgage each month.

So, it is easy for them to lecture the hard working entrepreneurs and assembling line workers that keep this country going on how we are so fortunate that we should gladly give more to those that are less fortunate. What they fail to realize is that it is hard to make a buck, and when you toil long hours and risk everything to earn that extra dollar, it is demoralizing to have an Ivy League schooled politician who never actually worked a real job in his or her entire life take that dollar from you and give it to someone who is less industrious than yourself.

I give back my fair share but prefer to do it on my own terms. It is my money and I resent the government taking it from me to dole it out as they see fit. Socialism is Un-American for so many reasons, but mainly because it acts as a disincentive for people to be productive and it is usually proposed only by elite political figures who are totally out of touch with the day to day lives of those it is forced upon.

Socialism is counter productive and has been proven time and time again to represent a failed governmental system. The main tenant of socialism is that wealth be divided up evenly among the members of a society. In such a system little attention is given to productivity. What is championed is simply the even distribution of wealth.

The failure inherent in a socialistic governmental system is that without a monetary incentive for people to be productive, they will fail to do so over time. What you end up with is a small pie that is although somewhat evenly distributed, one that is insufficient to meet the desires of pretty much everyone, with the exception of the government workers that make sure they get more than their fair share. This is in sharp contrast to a capitalistic system that results in a much bigger pie that, although not so evenly distributed, contains enough wealth to fully meet the needs of most of its members.

It will be interesting to see how the Democratic Party does in the upcoming elections now that it has  revealed its true colors.