Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump Hysteria

It seems like everywhere I look nowadays someone is up in arms about our new president Donald Trump. One would think the sky is falling from the mass hysteria that seems to have engulfed our society.

I, for one, am not anymore worried about our civil rights or the state of foreign affairs than I have been with any other president we have had in the Oval Office. As a matter of fact, I feel more confident about our state of affairs with Trump in office than I would have if Hillary Clinton had won the election. I believe this is so because I can see through all of the political rhetoric and grandstanding on both sides of the aisle to recognize what is really going on here.

For the first time in our history we have a businessman that doesn't care about what is politically correct in Washington. He is going to do what he was elected to do, and that is run the federal government like a business.

A business executive doesn't normally want to take the time to set up a committee and hold hearings to decide on the proper course of action of major policies. He is more inclined to rely on his experience and the advice of his close advisors to implement policies. And when he decides on a policy, he expects it to be implemented, so if anyone gets in the way of that heads are likely to role.

Few among us could argue that big government is more efficient than big business. The main reason for this is that there is more focus in business on results and less focus on political niceties and things like polling data. If you're not productive in business, you are out of a job. Government doesn't work that way.

Trump came into office to drain the swamp. The swamp dwellers on both sides of the aisle don't much care for this so they will look for any excuse they can find to sway public opinion against the president.

Several former presidents have banned travel to the United States from foreign countries in the past without much being made of it. Trump's ban is temporary and in time the whole thing will be settled in an equitable manner. It certainly is not anything that merits the kind of criticism and consternation that the White House is receiving by the press and the political elite in Washington.

What is really going on here is that Trump is an uninvited guest who has "crashed the party"  in Washington and the press and political establishment is going to do everything in their power to defeat him at every step. The press, the liberals and even the conservative party in Washington represent the swamp that he is attempting to drain. They are comfortable with the status quo and don't take kindly to a newcomer trying to steal the show.

Personally, I think my liberal friends would do themselves a service if they would just calm down a bit and not bite into the hysteria. No one has more self-confidence that Donald Trump and no one is more patriotic that he is. He will not be swayed by pubic opinion and he will do what he thinks is in the best interest of our country. This is in stark contrast to the political elite who are more concerned about their own welfare than that of our country.

Four years from now if  Trump is successful in draining the swamp and our economy is on better footing and the world is a more peaceful place, than he will have succeeded and we'll all be better for it. If not, then he will be voted out of office and a better man or woman will be elected president. In the meantime, the sky will not fall. We will be alright. This is not the end world. Trust me!

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